We want to be done with those emotions, especially, when they are intrusive. We don't want to continue to feel badly. We want to be able to bounce back. But, what if we aren't (feeling better). Weren't we able to let-go of some of this alot quicker when we were children? Why do we hold onto it for so long as adults? Wouldn't it be convenient to have a "sadness-meter" or an "angry-meter". And when the time runs out, that's it. No more sadness or anger. Ok, I've made this way-too simplistic. And what really irks is that the person who was the cause of your upset, anger, depression doesn't feel the way you do at all, and isn't even affected by it any where near where you are, if at all.
You may have a very good reason to feel anger, sadness, frustration, etc. But you also have a choice of how much time you wish to give it a place in your heart and in your head.
Think about your values...who YOU are, as a person, a son or daughter, a boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband, mother or father, student or teacher. How much are you going to allow yourself to be impacted by these negative situations?
Life has its challenges, and it will continue to be so. People will make you angry, and, you will make others angry. Situations will cause sadness and disappointment and all the rest, and, it's very natural to have these emotions. Keep in mind, though, that you want to allow space for the positive emotions....happiness, joy, gladness, and all the rest. There has to be room designated for it within you.