Have you given any thought to meditating? That question contains a bit or irony, as in meditation, QUIETING your thoughts are key to grounding the busyness that goes on in the head. Do you ruminate in the past or dwell on being overwhelmed in the present? If so, try meditation as a way of calming all that activity and providing a foundation of comfort to lead the way in your day's activity. 5 minutes/day: sit with good posture, both feet "grounded" -directly on the floor and your hands in your lap. Focus on your breath, inhalation and exhalation. Don't be upset if your mind 'visits' other thoughts; just gently, and with permission, bring it back to your breath. I'll be writing more about this in the future; however, for now, try it as a regular practice. Set your clock 5 minutes ahead. Awaken, do the normal-stuff, and then either in a chair or your bed for 5 minutes. Set a quiet, low-volume alarm so that you're not concerned that you'll be late for whatever is on that day's agenda.
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