Yesterday, I was on the train heading to my CC office when, all of a sudden, it stopped mid way between stations. We sat and sat with no information being offered. Fifteen minutes became a half-hour and a half-hour then became a whole hour, and as much as I like to leave myself a buffer before appointments, I felt fairly confident that I was going to be late for my next appointment. I called my client and, unfortunately, she didn't pick up and I left a message regarding the situation. When the train started up again, I breathed a sigh of relief and it actually appeared that if it continued to travel at the rate of speed it was currently traveling, I may just be a few minutes late. The doors opened at my designated stop and out I ran. Caught a cab and arrived at the doorstep of my office with 3 minutes to spare. My client was just listening to my message on her cellphone, and smiled. I, meanwhile, was a wreck. I had 3 minutes to get myself de-stressed from the distress. I tend to carry a small bottle of jasmine essential oil with me and I inhaled directly using breathing techniques I teach my clients
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