Conflict can actually strengthen a relationship, because if done correctly, you receive valuable information, and you keep on obtaining information that provides further understanding of your partner's point of view and further understanding of your desires, wants and your point of view.
Round 1: Meet your partner in the middle AFTER you counted to 25, and figuratively, or literally, for that matter, shake hands. Breathe deeply, slow down and then PAUSE.
Round 2: LISTEN. Be open to their point of view. Let your partner complete their thought, and then, it's your turn. If your partner interrupts, ask them politely to allow you to finish your thought.
Round 3: Figure out a plan, together, that will "work" for both of you.
As there are rules in boxing matches, there are "rules" in Relationship Conflict which I alluded to in the previous blog. Next blog, I shall expand on them.