Which brings us to the work we need to do for ourselves...for our family...for all of the people that are important to us.
Look around you. Take in your surroundings, all of the gifts that life has given you. The breath you take, the clothes on your back, the roof over your head, the person who smiles when you pass by, or says, "I love you" to you. Look at the beautiful blue sky, the mountains and the trees, the colorful and aromatic flowers, and the ocean ~ when you have a chance. Dip you fingers into the sunshine and put a little of that warmth and Vitamin D behind your ears. Wrap your arms around yourself and SMILE.
What or who do you take for granted? What or who do let go by without taking notice of the beauty, the sweetness, the kindness, the generosity?
Take a few seconds (at least 10...that's not so much to ask, is it?) at least 3 times/day to appreciate anything that is good in your life ~ really let it sink in and see how much better it makes you feel.
Bad things do happen. Think about something positive. Give that as much weight and time as the other...maybe even more! The more you think about positive, pleasurable events, people, experiences ~the more it neutralizes the negativity.